
  • Domestic Transport Services

    Domestic Transport Services

    Bonded warehousing is a service for storing and managing uncleared goods in a specific area, which can achieve the purpose of reducing tariffs and other trade restrictions.
    Truckload refers to the service of loading goods into a complete delivery vehicle for transportation. Whether you are transporting a large amount of goods or have higher requirements for the safety of the goods, the vehicle transportation service can meet the needs. We cooperate with reliable transportation companies to provide full monitoring, fast and safe transportation services.
    Less-than-truckload transportation is a service in which goods are divided into small parts and loaded together with other goods in a transport vehicle for transportation. Less-than-truckload shipping is an economical option if the shipment is too small to fill an entire delivery vehicle.

  • International Agency Services

    International Agency Services

    Export declaration refers to helping enterprises complete customs declaration procedures for export goods, including filling in customs declaration forms, providing required documents and certificates, and paying relevant taxes and fees. Import customs clearance is to help enterprises complete the customs clearance procedures of imported goods, including applying for import licenses, handling customs declaration procedures, paying relevant taxes and fees, inspection and quarantine, etc. International agency services can help enterprises to successfully complete these tedious procedures and ensure the smooth import and export of goods.

  • International Train Services

    International Train Services

    We provide international train services covering Central Europe, Central Asia and Middle-Laos regions.
    The Chang’an International Freight Train is a containerized international intermodal train that travels between Xi’an and major cities in Europe and Asia. It runs westward and northward on 15 main routes from Xi’an to Germany, Moscow, and Tashkent, and opens southward to Xi’an. Islamabad, Kathmandu and other South Asian road-rail combined trains; and provide train transportation services between Laos and Laos. Whether you need to ship from China to Europe, Asia or Laos, we have a professional team and rich experience to meet your needs.

  • International Transport Services

    International Transport Services

    International transportation services are usually divided into two ways: sea freight and air freight. Sea freight refers to the way goods are transported internationally using sea vessels. Sea freight is generally suitable for bulk cargo transportation, especially for heavy and bulky goods, sea freight can provide relatively low transportation costs. The disadvantage of sea freight is the longer transit time, which usually takes weeks or even months to complete. Air freight refers to the way goods are transported internationally by aircraft. Air freight is usually suitable for urgent, time-sensitive or short-term cargo transportation requirements. Although the cost of air freight is higher than that of sea freight, it can provide fast transportation speed and reliable cargo tracking service. Whether by sea or air, international transportation service providers usually provide services including cargo shipment, customs clearance, cargo insurance and tracking. Choose a shipping method that suits your needs, which can be determined based on factors such as the nature of the goods, shipping time requirements, and budget.